Amizoner specializes in ‘Attendance Monitoring & Planning’ for Amitians.
That includes time table, courses and a few additions to make sure you never lose out on what’s really important! ;)
The app had more than 6,000 active users, more than 20,000 page views per month and more than 800USD/month in Advertisement income
THE GOOD: The screenshots are good enough but here’s the description if you’re interested.
ATTENDANCE With a click of a button, the day’s marked attendance will be shown on a single page, that too sorted according to your timetable. (There’s no longer the need to waste time or energy searching each and every course to see if you’ve been marked present.)
MY COURSES & TIME TABLE Everything that Amizone has to offer, with a better user interface and some symbols. (Each symbol represents a danger level, description in app.)
SESSION PLANS What’s going to be taught in class today? Better prepare for it before hand. You anyways have it offline.
TO BUNK OR NOT TO BUNK? Let the app help you make that decision (We don’t want anyone getting debarred now, do we?). It calculates how many classes you can afford to miss or need to attend to maintain your target percentage.
See attendance logs of days you attended/missed course-wise.
Offline storage (needs Internet only for updates)
The Amizone Syncing process is a bit slow. Then again, it parses 20 pages from and analyzes it.